I think everyone has a soft spot, and recipe, for Smarties cookies. I adore them and so do my children. After all these years they still get excited when they see these cookies in the biscuit tin and they always disappear quickly.
I can't remember exactly where I got this recipe from, I think it it was 'Good Food' magazine but I can't be sure, it was scribbled down in my hand written recipe book years ago and has been used many times.

Smarties cookies
100g/ 4oz butter
100g/ 40z soft dark sugar
1 tbsp golden syrup
150g/ 6oz s/r flour
85g/ 30z Smarties
Pre-heat oven to 180c/ gas mark 4.
Beat butter and sugar together in a bowl until creamy.
Beat in the syrup.
Work in half the flour, stir in the Smarties, add remaining flour and bring the dough together with your fingers. Divide into 14 balls.
Place well apart on a baking sheet, do not flatten them.
Bake for 12 minutes until pale golden on the edges. Cool on a wire rack.
This recipe makes a soft, chewy cookie. I get 14 good sized ones from this amount of dough but you can divide the dough further to make thinner, chewier cookies from the dough if you wish.
I think the reason I love this recipe is it reminds me so much of my Mam's gingersnaps. No-one ever made gingersnaps like my Mam, soft, chewy not crisp like my Granny's, I realised today that if I get rid of the Smarties and add ginger they would be my Mams biscuits. I love 'food nostalgia', hopefully my kids will one day look back at this recipe and feel the same about these cookies.
Erica, these look adorable! I can't beleive I've never baked Smartie Cookies, definitely will be making them soon.
These look lovely. I know a little girl who is going to love making these.:)
I've made this recipe too - pretty sure it was originally from BBC Good Food - it's definitely a winner and yours look fab!
Those look great! Do you know that the orange smarties over here don't taste of orange? Still, I think I'll make these anyway!
These look great, my kids would love something like this
Erica these look fabulous and I love the new look blog too :)
Hi Erica, Oh I love these cookies they are so colourful and bring a smile to anyones face!
Rosie x
I absolutely do have a soft spot for Smarties Cookies!! These look delicious, and the pastel colors of the Smarites are perfect for spring. I wish I could find a few of these in my own cookie tin :) Sorry that I've been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.
Nice cookies! I like the pies you've featured here, too. Thought you might enjoy this: http://apocalypsecakes.wordpress.com/2009/05/28/global-warming-hot-apple-pie/
-Marissa P.
What exactly are smarties? They look like m&ms in different colors. I've never heard of them.
They are very attractive cookies, though.
Yeah these are great. It's definately from the Good Food magazine, I too wrote it down years ago. I recall the recipe had some variations including cherry and oat, wherein some of the flour was subsituted. I don't suppose anyone has the variation written down do they? My husband has been begging me for these. Sadly, I lost my notes :o( Thanks in hopes!
I Keep visiting your blog for this recipe, my children love them so much I'd ran out of smarties and had to replace with chocolate chip but they are still just as good. I have doubled the batch I've made tonight as they don't last long enough. :D
Thank you
Vi xx
These look delish! I shall give these a whirl. This is my first visit to your lovely blog.... Some lovely ideas. I shall be back for more :)
Thanks and best wishes
Lucie x
thank u for the recipe!! we´ve just made them yesterday and we love them!!
hope you gives us new recipes soon!!
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Hello! These cookies look yummy. My son would love them - he adores smarties, like all children!
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My daughter loves to eat cookies and I’m sure she will love this too planning to try this smartie cookies
For cute! These are just what I was looking for, for a little spring color! Thanks!
hi, thank you fort he recipe doing it for my food technolgy course, thanks again
Aah..Smartie cookies..Takes me right back to university days when I couldn't sit through a class without a bag of them. Definitely making them! Thanks for a bit of nostalgia! :)
would like to thank you for this recipe (smarties cookies) i use this recipe out of the 101 cakes and bakes book from good food series but have miss placed the book :( they have changed the recipe on line now and i think in the new books too, double :( you have saved me from loosing this wonderful and popular recipe with my brood, which makes me :D thank you again.
Thnaks for a great blog
Christmas Pie recipes
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